An Institution with distinguish style of learning and progress
Each Program is comprehensive to deliver the value with sufficient inputs to the students to embark on a professional career. Apart from providing core inputs
related to the specific program, the students are provided additional training program to develop their professional competency through various academic
seminars, workshops and extension lecturers. The provisions have been created to obtain
additional certification in the area of soft skills, quality benchmarks and IT skills. Each student is prepared for placement on a continuous basis through
pre-placement and final placement activities as per the corporate standards.
Vision and Mission
VisionDon Bosco Bangalore to be the distinguished center of excellence to nurture and transform the talent of millions through quality and value based education in the area of technology, management and science through it’s innovative facilities of higher learning towards human excellence
MissionTo create a distinguished destination wherein personal, intellectual and professional qualities of the students to be strengthened through partnering with the industry, government and professional bodies in a collaborative efforts.