Hardware Description language students will be able to analyze and evaluate VHDL & Verilog concepts. They are capable of designing and creating test with their complex system components. First implement an encryption algorithm using a standard hardware description language; then wrap the security module as a peripheral attached to bus; design an interface between peripheral and bus; apply an FPGA design flow for VLSI. Xilinx Software with Spartan III FPGA kits is used. Programming is done for different hardware and simulated using ModelSim Software. Final Implementation of hardware design is done on FPGA Trainer Kit. This also includes external real-time devices interfaced with FPGA Trainer kit and programming the same. The lab is also having pattern generator and logic analyzer. It supports both CPLD and FPGA platform.

The student will be able to Write efficient hardware designs both in VHDL and Verilog and perform high-level HDL simulation, synthesis and verify the expected output. Understand different levels of abstraction with the programming examples. Also generate, implement the programs on FPGA Kit and Interface the FPGA with different external devices such as motors, relays, DAC, seven segment and LCD displays.

The VLSI lab is equipped with the most up-to-date industry standard VLSI EDA tools and hardware resources. The lab facility includes course lab for course projects and assignments and research. The server room in VLSI Lab powers all the Linux workstations in course and research sections. VLSI design comprises of Front End Design and Back End design. Creating Verilog code for digital system and verify by using test bench also how to design analog circuits and layout for it. Verifying layout using DRC and LVS check. While front end design includes digital design using HDL, design verification through simulation and other verification techniques. The backend design comprises of drawing circuit schematics and layout of circuits like inverter, single stage differential amplifier, common source differential amplifier,R2R DAC etc. The students will get expose to industry handled tool and real time projects.

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