Mrs. Anasuya. N. Jadagerimath is an Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering department since 23 July 2015 at DBIT Bengaluru. She is currently pursuing Ph.D from Tumkur University and at the verge of submission of thesis in the research field of Sensor Cloud. She was post graduated from MSRIT, Bengaluru in the year 2007 with the specialization in Computer Science and Engineering. She was Microsoft Certificate Professional in SQL server in 1998.She was graduated from Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot in the year 1993. Her expertise in subjects like Computer Networks, Storage Area Networks, Operating Systems and Cloud Computing. She use active and collaborative learning techniques, engage students in application approach, emphasize higher-order cognitive activities in the classroom, interact with students, challenge students academically, and value enriching educational experiences. She presented and published several papers in International Journals and Conference Proceedings. She is one of the Coordinator for International Conference and Faculty Development Programme which were held successfully at DBIT.
Academic & Co-curricular Responsibilities :
She is very much involved in the academic activities to support the Departmental mission and maintain the functions of Institute. She maintains a progressive record of academic responsibility at DBIT. She is a responsible faculty for ensuring achievement of student learning competencies, collecting assessment data, and submitting Course Summary forms as required. She organized many Technical Quiz competitions among the students to enhance their knowledge out of book and to be updated with the technologies. She has taken additional academic responsibilities like Mentoring, Project guidance, Coordinator for computer Science forum, coordinator for cultural event. She has undergone Certification Training Programme of VMware in Cloud Infrastructure Services and Information Storage Management of EMC2. She is always taking responsibilities to motivate the students to interact with the industries to know their future platform and encouraging the students to enhance their problem solving ability. She regularly updates the students with latest technologies including research in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
Courses Handled :
Paper Publications, Presentations, Seminars, Conferences & Workshops attended :
• Anasuya N Jadagerimath “Management of QOS in Sensor Cloud”, International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications” Journal/ISSN:0975-0282/May 2016.
• Anasuya N Jadagerimath‘A Survey on Renewable Energy Based Virtual Machine Placement in Multi-Cloud-Environment’,Australian Journal of Wireless Technologies, Mobility and Security. Journal/ISSN:2200-1872(Print), 2200-1883(Online)/Aug-2015.
• Mrs. Anasuya. N. Jadagerimath“Battery Capacity Management in Wireless Sensor Network Rechargeable Sensor Nodes”/ International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242, Vol-3, Issue 9 , September, 2014 Page No. 8129-8135.
• Anasuya.N.Jadagerimath“Energy-Efficient Data Collection and Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network’ International Journal of Combined Research & Development eISSN:2321-225X;pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 3; Issue: 2; August-2014.
• Anasuya .N.Jadaerimath“Efficient Energy Management in Virtualized Datacenter using Machine learning Techniques’ International Journal of Research And Technology/ISSN:2278-0181 Vol. 3 - Issue 6 (June - 2014).
• Presented a paper titled , Efficient IoT Data Management using MongoDB for Cloudenvironment ”, in the International Conference in Current Trends in Science and Technolgy (ICCTEST-2017),At DBIT Bengaluru -74, Karnataka on 5th , January 2017,pp: 6-11.
• Presented a paper titled , “A Survey on Energy Conservation Methods for Datacenters”, in the International Conference in Communication and Computing 2015(ICC-2015),At Alpha College of Engineering and Technology Bengalore,Karnataka on 9-11th, July 2015,pp:332-339 published by Magraw Hill Education publication.
• Presented a paper titled , ''Increase the battery life of the sensor nodes in the Sensor Cloud '', in the Second International Conference on Advances in Cloud Computing (ACC-2013), Nimhans Convention Center, Bangalore-56, Karnataka on 19th , and 20th September, 2013.
• Presented a paper titled , ''An Energy Efficient Home Land Security using Sensing As Service in Sensor Cloud” , in the International Conference on Information and Communication Engineering (ICICE-2013),Dr.AIT,Bangalore-56,Karnataka on 28th , and 29th June 2013.
• Presented a paper titled, ''Efficient Utilization of Energy and Data Processing Rate in Cloud Data Center on Occurrence of Bursty Traffic'', in the proceedings of National Conference on Big Data And Data Sciences BADS-2015, DayanandSagarUniversity, Bangalore on 21 December 2015 ,pp 26-32.
• Presented a paper titled, ''A Survey on Unsupervised Machine Learning Architectures”, in the proceedings of National Conference on Big Data And Data Sciences BADS-2015, DayanandSagar University, Bangalore on 21 December 2015,pp 65-70.
• Presented a paper titled, ''Prediction and Visualization of Shopping Trends in E-Commerce using Data Mining Techniques”. in the proceedings of National Conference on Big Data And Data Sciences BADS-2015,DayanandSagar University ,Bangalore on 21 December 2015 ,pp 87-90.
• Presented a paper titled , ''A survey on Proposal and evaluation of a Dynamic Resource Allocation Method based on the Load of VMs on Iaas'', in the proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Computer Applications (NCACA-2012),SIT, Tumkur, on 10th , 11th and 12th May 2012, pp 163-167.
• Presented a paper titled , ''HORNS: A Homomorphism encryption Scheme for Cloud computing using Residue number System'', in the proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Computer Applications (NCACA-2012),SIT, Tumkur, 10th , 11th and 12th May 2012, pp 44-45.
• Presented a paper titled''Reputation-based Security Protocol for MANETs'', in the proceedings of National Conference on Frontiers Of Computer Science(FCS 11),DONBOSCO Institute of Technology Kumbalagudu,Bangalore ,19th , 20th and 21st May 2011 .
• Attended International Conferece on “Advances in Cloud Computing” conucted by CSI Bangalore on 19th -20th Sep 2013,at Hosmat conventional Hall, Bangalore.
• Attended four days workshop on “Virtualization and Cloud Computing” conucted on 21st -24th January 2013 at MSRIT, Bangalore.
• Attended International Conferece on “Advances in Cloud Computing” conucted by CSI Bangalore on 26th -28th July 2012,at Hotel Ashok, Bangalore.
• Attended Faculty Development Program conducted on 15 th - 18th March 2013 at EPCET with VGST,EMC2,Bangalore.
• Attended FDP on “Mnaging Big Data” NMIT,Bangalore from 16 April to 17 April 2015.
• Attended Cloud Meets Mig Data EMC Acadamic Summit 2012 held on 10 Feb,2012 at MSRIT,Bangalore.
• Participated in two day workshop on “Simulation, Emulation and Traffic Analysis Techniques in Communication Networks” Organized by VTU e-Learning Centre, Mysore and Acharya Institute of Technology in association with Nihon Communication Solutions and Tata Consultancy Services on 26th to 27th July 2011
• Attended and Participated in the Faculty Development Program conducted on 26 th - 30th July 2010 at EPCET Bangalore.
• Attended Staff development Program on “High Impact Reasearch Skills”, held on 12th May 2010, at New Horizon College of Engineering and Technology,Bangalore.
• Attended Ph.D. in Computer Science: A Perspective, one day work shop held on July 2, 2010 at IISC ,Bangalore.
• Attended and participated in EMC Information Week from 5 July to 9 July 2010 at EMC Corporation Bangalore.
• Attended Cloud Computing workshop conducted by VMWARE SOFTWARE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED in Collaboration with EPCET Bangalore at EPCET on Dec 8th 2010.
• Participated in MISSION10X Learning Approach program conducted on 8th -9th May 2009, at EPCET,bangalore.
• Attended “Wireless Technology And Applications” held on the 13th October 2006 and 14th 2006 at BMS College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore.
• Attended the course on Fundamentals of Rational Rose held on 10th FEB 2006 at Education Centers for IBM software,Sarjapur ,Bangalore.
Research Area :Cloud Computing, Internet of Things.
Achievements :
• Good results have been produced for various subjects (Average of all results till date is 95%).
• Microsoft Certified Professional in SQL Server.